Working with fisheries and canneries across the globe, we source all our products responsibly – and can trace each one right back to the fishing vessels.

Responsible sourcing is at the heart of what we do, and it is this approach with respect for both the planet and people in our supply chains that is integral to our long term success.
We only source tuna from fisheries using one-by-one catch methods; the lowest impact, most socially responsible and most sustainable fishing method. By sourcing this way we directly contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, to conserve and use ocean resources sustainably.
Our wild pacific salmon is sustainably sourced from one of the best-managed fisheries in the world.
The MSC certified Alaskan fishery is carefully managed using a science-based approach. The harvest, between June and August, is controlled so salmon stocks thrive which ensures the fishery’s long term future.
Our salmon is caught by gillnet or purse seine – which have minimal contact with the marine and river habitats, helping to protect the ecosystem.
We believe everyone should know where their seafood comes from, which is why we ensure that all our products can be traced back to their source.
Seafood supply chains can be long and complex, which means robust traceability systems are so important to ensure product integrity and to help eradicate illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing.
We can trace all of our products from consumer back to catch and are able to identify the country of origin, vessel or group of vessels which caught the seafood, FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) fishing area, and landing location. American Tuna Inc has been certified under the Marine Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Standard since 2007, which independently verifies our traceability system.
We are proud of our sourcing standards and our supply chains and recognize the growing importance of transparency to consumers.
We publish details of our source fisheries on our website and are transparent on our product labels.
We also guarantee that the use of the terms “responsibly sourced” and “sustainably sourced” on our product packaging are governed by the Codes of Conduct of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition.

- Alaska, USA
- Oregon, USA
- Washington, USA
- Costa Rica
- Indonesia
- Maldives
- Thailand
- Indonesia skipjack, yellowfin
- Maldives skipjack
- New Zealand albacore
- South Africa albacore
- USA albacore
- USA pink salmon, sockeye salmon